Location and access

We are in :

  • 30 km from Pau  

  • 70 km from Tarbes 

  • 100 km from Biarritz 

  • 225 km from Toulouse 

  • 230 km from Bordeaux


  • Airport: Pau Pyrénées (45 minutes away)

  • Railstation: Oloron Sainte-Marie (5 minutes away)

  • By road :

From Oloron Center:

Follow the direction Huesca / Sarragosse till the roundabout "duTibet libre", then the direction Féas / Aramits / Arette / La Pierre St Martin. Once on the road to Barétous, turn right at the first sign "Parcours santé".

From Aramits:

Turn left at the second sign "Parcours santé".

GPS coordinates :

N 43 ° 10'48.569 "- W 0 ° 38'28.831"